Three features combined into one sophisticated control:
- Soft-touch helm control
- Trim tab indicator
- Auto tab retractor
Water resistant, highly accurate, and features variable intensity LEDs for night or day.
Kit includes:
- 1 x EIC display (EIC001)
- 12V EIC relay module (EIC101)
- Upper hinge sensor with 3.04m (10ft) red wire & plug (EIC901P)
- Upper hinge sensor with 3.04m (10ft) green wire & plug (EIC901S)
- 6.09m (20ft) EIC main cable (EIC201)
- EIC hardware pack (EIC501)
Note: Main cable also available in 7.6m (25ft), 9.1m (30ft), 10.6m (35ft) & 12.2m (40ft) lengths if required.
All installation and owner manuals are now provided in digital format. You can find these via the Bennett Marine website: BennettTrimTabs.com/Install